Revenue Record Digitisation (ई-मुआयना)

Pratapgarh Uttar Pradesh

कुल तहसील
कुल परगना
कुल डिजिटाइज्ड ग्राम

About Pratapgarh

  • Pratapgarh district, lies between 25o34′ and 26o 11′ latitudes while between 81o19′ and 82o27′ longitudes.Primarily, an agragrian district, for a while now, Pratapgarh has risen in ranks as the top producer of Aonla fruit. It is a multi-purpose fruit, is extremely rich in vitamin C, helps cure gastro-intestinal disorders, is said to encourage youth and liveliness and is exported all over india and possibly over world in form of sweets and medicines.Pratapgarh on the Allahabad-Faizabad main road at a distance of 39 km from Sultanpur and 61 Km from Allahabad.It is one of the older districts of Uttar Pradesh, that came into existence in the year 1858. It is at a height of 137 Mt. from sea level.
    Location and Boundaries-The district lies between the paralleles of 25°34 and 26 11 north latitude and between the meridians of 81 19′ and 82 27′ east longitude extending for some 110 km. from west to east. It is bounded on the north by district Sultanpur, on the south by district Allahabad, on the east by district Jaunpur and on the west by Fatehpur and north-west by district Rae Bareli. In the south-west the Ganga forms the boundary of the district for about 50 km.separating it from Fatehpur and Allahabad and in the extreme north-east the Gomati forms the boundary for about 6 km.
    Area According to the Central Statistical Organization the district had an area of 3,730 sq. km. on July 1, 1971. It occupies 48th position in the State in respect of the area.

District Magistrate
Sanjeev Ranjan


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